On Saturday 12/8/07 we decided to head over to the
Daley Center to see Santa Claus. It has been a tradition of ours to visit him there, walk through the
Christkindlmart and take pictures by the light displays and the City Tree. It has changed a little since we have been here last. The tree decorations and colors are new this year. Santa's House has been remodeled also. (I was a little disappointed that instead of the lights display, there is a display about a penguin visiting different Chicago attractions. Kind of cute, but not what I wanted to see!) The Christkindlmart was as bustling as I remembered it. But our final stop at Santa's Workshop was the best EVER! Santa was very sweet to the kids. After freezing in line for quite a while, Maddie ran in, dove into his lap and just snuggled down deep into his cozy red suit and long white beard. Max jumped onto his lap also and Santa began to ask the kids what they wanted for Christmas. Maddie told him that she wanted a telescope. He looked a little taken aback by the tiny girl wishing for a telescope. His eyes got really wide and his voice very theatrical. He said, "Well this may be possible Madeline. But you must do one thing for me if you get this telescope. You must study very hard and learn all about the stars up in the sky, so that you will know what you are looking at when you use it." Maddie very seriously promised to do this and then he turned to Max. Max told him that he wanted a Playmobil Adventure Animal Tree house. Santa replied, "I can do this, but you must also do one thing for me. You must go to bed on time every night without fussing, so that you can earn this wonderful toy." Max happily agreed and then the kids jumped off Santa's lap...or at least they tried to. Max made it off okay, but not Madeline. I heard a squeal from Madeline and an theatrical "Ouch!" From Santa. I looked over and saw that Madeline's barrette was stuck in his beard! He quickly reassured Madeline, "Did that tug your hair like it tugged my beard?", all while holding on to that beard for dear life. I dislodged the offending barrette and all was well. He gave the kids reindeer Pez dispensers and announced to the elves that he needed a two minute break. He scurried out the backdoor, presumably to make sure he was presentable for the children who were visiting next. All in all, it was the cutest and funniest Santa visit ever. The kids loved meeting Santa. They are at that whimsical age where the shyness or fear of St. Nick is gone and they are ready to believe in the magic of the season. And this Santa really charmed them. After we left Santa's workshop, we hurried home for Hot Chocolate because it was too cold to do anything else! I guess the State street windows will have to wait!

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