Sunday, June 1, 2008

David Roger's Big Bugs! at the Morton Arboretum

On 5/31/08 we celebrated the last day of May by going to the Morton Arboretum. I was excited about all of the programs for kids I saw on their website. An etymologist was outside with specimen displays. They had fun crafts set up throughout the Children's Garden. Also, they have a great sculpture exhibit through July called David Roger's Big Bugs! These twelve larger than life bugs are laid out in a path around Meadow Lake. The kids become Bug Detectives with their official bug detective guides that includes a special badge on the back.

Maddie liked the Tropic Millipede.

Children's Garden

Crafts at the Good Bad and BUG-ly program.  The kids made fireflies and a clip-on spider.

Big Bugs!

The kids enjoyed their walk around Meadow Lake.


The kids enjoyed the sound of the bullfrogs and watching the damselflies zipping around them like helicopters. It was a beautiful day and a lovely place. We'll definitely be back.