Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Morning


Very early this morning, the eagerly anticipated basket and egg hunt was afoot.  

Maddie was the first to find her basket.

Max found his basket and quickly dug through it looking for animals.  The easter bunny didn't disappoint.  

The kids found the first Easter egg at the same time.

The kids kept telling me to have a Happy Easter Day!

Maddie helped me bake a Carrot Cake before church.  
Mmmm!  Our favorite Easter dessert!

Into their Easter outfits.

Getting ready to leave for church.

You'd better have a Happy Easter!


Rachel said...

Easter is one of my favorite times of year! Your kids look like they had so much fun. You are an amazingly fun mom. I love seeing your blog so keep it up.

Unknown said...

Were are the pictures of April?

Maddie and April Lloyd said...

April has been replaced by a robot.

Actually, in the Easter eggs pictures, Todd was not helping the kids do that. He said we were wasting eggs. But he suddenly appeared when I pulled out the camera!

bill smith said...

you have a gorgeous family. i'm a kids' musician from cincinnati who stumbled onto your blog quite by accident. i am jealous of the job you're doing with this. i need to do a family blog, too. we were in chicago a couple of weeks ago. i'm in love with your town. we've got to come back when it's warmer. all that to say, great job, keep it up!