Saturday, May 31, 2008

The Grove Nature Center in Glenview

Max had a field trip to the The Grove Interpretive Center in Glenview today.  His buddy was Joshua.  

You can see them doing their "I'm a Nut" dance in line.

On a nature walk...


Max showing off the stick tight vine, looking for a muskrat in the pond, peering into a racoon bedroom, and checking out a snake hole.

Here are the kids singing to the tune of Row, Row, Row Your Boat.

Know, Know, Know your Oak.
Watch to see them grow.
Red Oak
White Oak
Pin Oak
Burr Oak
Acorns all below.

Max got to touch a snake and a turtle from the big open turtle pool inside.  

Polliwog tank in the greenhouse.  Max wants one for a pet.

Max and Joshua asleep on the school bus.

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