Sunday, July 13, 2008

Taste of Chicago, Ella Jenkins and the American Girl Theatre

After just moving out to our Naperville vacation home the night before, I drove the kids back into the city for the Taste of Chicago. We go every year, and this day was packed full of children's activities. There was a great craft tent set up.  Max got his face painting straight away. (Maddie is not a fan of that, so she declined.) Maddie decorated a bag and Max decorated a hat. Then we sat down to enjoy the Ella Jenkins concert. Ella is a Chicago legend. She has been making folk and sing-along music since the 50's.  She has a great spirit of kindness about her.  Max and Maddie both got asked to come up on stage and help her play some music. It was a great experience.

The kids begged to go on the Carousel and into the Bounce Around.  They loved it.  Max was very happy that Todd met us there.  He always says, "Dad, You're my bestest buddy!"

Maddie loved dressing up like her Bitty Baby to see the Bitty Baby Matinee and the American Girl Ambassadors. American Girl Place is actually shutting down their theatre in September, so this was a great opportunity to see them perform. 

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