Monday, July 14, 2008

Blackberry Farm

On July 14th, I took the kids to Blackberry Farm in Aurora.  This farm site from the 1800's has a One Room Schoolhouse, Pioneer Cabin, Farm Museum, Discovery Barn, the Wagner House, Blacksmith Shop, Weaver’s Cabin and an Early Streets Museum.  It is a nice place to explore.  They have a lot of other fun activities also.

Maxwell and Madeline rode the ponies, 

the train,

the wagon,

and the pedal tractors.

Here is Max singing to the Donkey.

"Sweetly sings the donkey, at the break of day.  If you do not feed him, this is what he'll say.  

Hee haw.  Hee haw.  Hee haw, hee haw, hee haw."
Their visit was memorialized by the famous artist Grant Wood in his painting American Gothic.  You can see it on display at the Art Institute of Chicago.  How he painted them way back in 1930 is beyond me.  He was a visionary...

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